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摘要回忆的句子英文 1、回忆过去和展望将来的作法,会使过去成为伤感的同义语,使将来成为审慎的代名词。 Recalling the past and looking forward to the future will make the past a synonym for sentiment and...




Recalling the past and looking forward to the future will make the past a synonym for sentiment and the future a synonym for prudence.


We smiled and said that we stayed in the place of time, in fact, has been silently swept away by the torrent.


Looking down to the left in the narrative represents the memory of the brain and tells the truth. Lies don't need to be remembered.


Memories of childhood, every time there is a different feeling, cherish memories, so that your life is more enriched and better.


The left bank is an unforgettable memory, the right bank is worth grasping the youth, the middle of the fast flowing, is the young hidden burning sadness.


No matter where you go, you should remember that the past is false. Memory is an endless road, and all the past spring no longer exists.


With memories, life can be enriched, years can be full of poetry. In the memory, youth is inevitably pale, wooden stone heart is also sad.


Memories can not be erased, but slowly accumulated. Years take you to the card table, but the bet is on yourself.


We have all learned a lot. We are touched and grateful. We are touched by the so-called fate of the encounter, and we are grateful for all the memories of parting.


Life is only a series of isolated moments, relying on memories and fantasies, many meanings emerge, then disappear, and then emerge again after disappearance.


Flowers and beautiful couples can't survive the passing years. When one day, youth has disappeared, perhaps we can only slowly revisit that period of time in the memory.


Someday I will walk away from you silently, without any sound, I missed a lot, I am always sad alone.


Don't face the world with your back until the end of your life. All the storms you have passed should be a journey of memories.


I recall the past, does not mean that I am infatuated with the past, nor does it mean that I am disappointed with the present, it means that I am more and more autistic.


Tears, is to think of a person, trying to think of a person, is to remind yourself that at least one person is worth your tears.


Memory of this thing, really can make a person become psychotic, the first second, or the corner of the mouth slightly raised, this second, but wet the eyes.


Where to go in the future, you love freedom, but I love you more, can you not leave, please do not leave my memories.


Noda's world, the most yearning for barren space, go to the most desolate place, do the most beautiful dream. Then, disappear in a corner.


Some memories are burned, some are buried in the bottom of my heart, the age of innocence is like a flowing water past the golden age.


Memory is not a kind of degeneration, just to find the power to move forward in the beauty of the past, just to go farther.


There are three things in life that should not be recalled: disaster, death and love; you want to recall, but it is painful.


Never forget what you once owned. We should cherish what we can't get. Don't give up what belongs to you. What has been lost is left for memory.


We will grow up eventually, and grow up quietly with a feeling of no complaint. In the final analysis, growth is a kind of happiness.


Those simple days of youth gradually fading away, you can see the time and mood when the shadow is longer and longer.


If the time of youth is spent in idleness, it will be a sad tragedy to recall the years.


When love comes to an end, tears turn to dust, memories and your past, it is found that memories are also a kind of incomplete beauty.


Whether it is now painful or happy, once happy or sad, occasionally will remember, this feeling is called memory.


The beauty of the past can only be left to the memory that we can never go back to the past. The past has passed, and it will never come back.


I hope you will remember and never forget the wonderful memories that you have given me, because that is a memory that we will never have again in our life.


Past events are like rivers illuminated by sunset. I choose the shining treasures in my heart. I choose the beautiful pictures of you in the most beautiful place in my heart.


Some simple days of youth gradually fading away, you can see that the longer the shadow of the time itself, that is the time and mood of the distant.


If memories do not make a fuss, you are at most a passer-by. My world will collapse as soon as memories are fragmented.


Sometimes I always feel indifferent, but when everything turns into memories, I find that I can't bear the feeling of loss.


Some feelings, only relying on memory to slowly find the initial taste, memories are crowded, but did not see passers-by.


People say that when a person begins to recall, it means that he is old, but what should I do? I live by recalling it! uuuuuuuuuu


Emotion is just a promise in memory. It's hard to say anything when you meet except the year before.


Youth is full of fantasies and memories. Fantasy is a dream that we believe in. Memory is a bridge leading to loneliness.


I've never been known by anyone, so I've never been forgotten by anyone. Living in other people's memories is not my goal.


Memories are always melancholy. Happy makes people feel: unfortunately, it's over. It's sad to think of it unhappily.


Only the scattered vegetation, afraid of beauty's twilight. Beauty's yearning for the past, can't help feeling: falling in love with you is the happiest memory of my life!


Lotus root broken silk serials do not move a lot of sorrow, how dare to go to the West Building alone, long hate the imperial palace, become a stranger all over the world, pray for heaven to follow people's wishes.


Dreams once pursued, youth once indulged, the song once sung, have become memories precipitated in the heart.


Memory is the water that falls in the palm of your hand. Whether you open it or hold it tightly, it will eventually drip clean from your fingers.



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