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摘要冬天的英文句子 1、冬天,很多小动物都冬眠了,但小河依然没有睡。小河的上面盖了一层冰,人鱼儿不再忍受冬天的寒冷。 In winter, many small animals have hibernated, but the river is still not s...




In winter, many small animals have hibernated, but the river is still not sleeping. The river is covered with ice. The mermaid can't stand the cold in winter any more.


Winter, mixed with the confusion of autumn came to the countryside, drove into the city, walked into you and me.


Cold winter came, after a heavy snow, the whole Oriental red has become a world of makeup. The willows were covered with silver strips, and the lawn was covered with silver.


By the side of the road, snow covered the sidewalk with white quilts, which left a string of feet of people. Cherry snow covered the trees with white Cape, making them more powerful.


The sunshine in winter is amiable, light and comfortable, without a little violence and arrogance, especially like the orchid with a faint fragrance, holding your body, soft and crisp.


In winter, although there is no charming birds and flowers in spring, no spectacular lightning and thunder in summer, and no attractive fruits in autumn, it also has the implicit beauty dedicated to nature.


The sun slowly passed through the clouds, revealing a face that was already red, like a shy little pump mother looking at the earth.


The cold wind rolled the snow all over the sky. Suddenly, Changbai Mountain was covered in white.


It's cold. It seems that it's cold. The other day, it's still warm and sunny. A snowstorm is coming. There's no omen. It's cold and unprepared.


The flowers have withered, the leaves have withered, the gray clouds have covered the sky, and the forest is sad. Then the snow fell, and the white winter felt covered the earth.


The sunlight that pierces the clouds is like a golden thread, crisscrossing, sewing the light grey and blue grey clouds into a beautiful and incomparable pattern.


The pine tree stands in the white snow, swaying with the strong southeast wind, and takes back the sharp and unpleasant roar, as if it is deliberately contemptuous of winter.


Snow is blowing all over the sky, ice is covered for thousands of miles, the cold wind is blowing north and south, a crow on the branch is curling up its head, shivering.


After another heavy snow, the sky is as blue as before, and more crystal clear than the sea blue. Thousands of peaks, thousands of mountains, at a glance, are all white, shining with a continuous connection of silver light.


The cold winter has come, after a heavy snow, the whole Oriental red has become the world's Willow decorated with silver, and the lawn is covered with silver.


The sunlight came in from the east window. It was screened into a mottled mixture of light yellow and gray black by the screen curtain of openwork fine flowers. It fell on the forehead of Lin Baishuang, just like some mysterious words.


Violent cold: describes sudden cold. Example: as the Siberian cold current hit, the weather turned cold as soon as winter came. It was a bit unbearable.


The sun seems to be afraid of getting cold in the middle of winter. After wearing thick and thick clothes, the heat will not come out.


When the dawn had not yet arrived, I felt extremely cold, so I hurried back to the dormitory, took a dress and put it on. As soon as the boiling water hits the ground, it freezes.


Snow, covered with roofs, roads, broken branches, concealed the appearance of various objects, blocked the road and traffic, flying snow all over the sky, making heaven and earth melt into a white one.


The sun has just risen to the top of the mountain, and is hidden by the bright red morning glow. The sun shines down from the clouds, like countless giant dragons spewing golden waterfalls.


It snowed in winter, beautiful, snowy, sunny and sunny!


When it snows, the whole city becomes a silvery white world. When the snow falls, it is like a white butterfly dancing, full of fairy tale colors.


Listen to the voice of winter, spread the sincere thoughts around, wish the snowflakes blow good luck, let life brilliant as new, wish you, in this season, the good news of success.


When winter comes, when the cold current comes, the high sky rolls and the cold current is urgent. The cold wind blows all over the sky and flies snow. For a time, the earth was covered in silver. The whole city is a clean picture of winter snow.


The naughty north wind whistled. It wanted to blow the snow coat and the snow quilt.


It snowed in winter, and snowflakes fell from the sky. Soon, the roofs of trees on the ground became white.


Winter came, the northwest wind blowing through the treetops, the leaves on the trees have gone, the grass on the ground have become yellow. People also put on coats.


In the breath of the winter wind, we can smell the smell of baked sweet potato, lamb kebab and pancakes, as if we are back to childhood, back to the past, back to the good times.


In winter, the river is frozen, and there is a vast white world everywhere. All animals and plants are sleeping quietly. No one will come to the river again.


As soon as the rain stops, the sky is like the clouds splashed with ink, and the distance is gloomy blue; the small window is a bleak and lonely winter scene.


When the snow fairy came, she walked gently across the field; she dropped white snow and drifted through the forest; she danced lightly and hugged the winter.


Winter came, the weather was cold, people put on thick cotton padded clothes, but the trees on both sides of the road took off their green clothes. In the cold wind, they stood like rows of soldiers.


The biting cold wind blows away the joy of people's harvest without any emotion. The snow covers all the noise, but also covers the sunny mood.


Early in the morning, a ray of sunlight directly into my room, like a bunch of shining gold wire, not only illuminating the room, but also illuminating my heart.


It snowed, and flakes of snow fell from the sky. Soon, the ground, the trees and the roof became white.


The sun, after a brilliant journey, gradually sinks to the west, still, leaving the quiet beauty of dusk, leaving a calm and quiet solemnity.


The artificial lake is covered with a thick layer of ice. Some naughty schoolmates are playing on the lake. From time to time, there are lots of laughter.


The cold winter has come. After a heavy snow, it has become a world of makeup. The willows are covered with silver strips, and the lawn is covered with silver.


It's very cold in winter. The north wind is biting, the snow is flying all over the sky, and sometimes there is even a cold current. People put on thick cotton padded jackets.


The scenery in the snow is magnificent. There is only one silver between the heaven and the earth. It seems that the whole world is decorated with silver.


The most dazzling moth to put out the fire, although not as beautiful as flowers, but the moment of putting out the fire, with deep love for the fire and beauty quietly falling into the sea of fire, leaving only the helpless sadness and sigh of the fire!


Look, the river lost its former vivacity. Grandpa winter has put on a transparent and beautiful ice coat for it.


The cold wind pierces the heart like a needle. In this ghost weather, the passers-by on the roadside has disappeared. Birds and beasts have disappeared without trace.


The warm sunshine, through the dense leaves, has become a little golden spot.


There was snow outside the car window. In a short time, the trees on the road turned into a white world on the roof, like a silver white fur coat.


The golden sun poured down into the vast blue waves, making the monotonous and calm sea become a little colorful.


Sunshine, steady. But I like winter, not pretending to be different, not pretending to be personality. I really love the calm, selfless and tolerant part of winter.


On a cold winter day, snow is blocking the windows, and ice skates are like crystal pillars, hanging on the eaves row by row.


The sun in the morning, exposed a red face, all of a sudden, a million golden light through the treetops to the water surface dyed a layer of rouge.



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